Premium dog treadmills and training equipment

The New Generation 9 Firepaw Phoenix Treadmill – Slatmill


Since Firepaw was founded in 2012 our flagship model, the Standard Firepaw Slatmill (now called Phoenix) has been upgraded every year. Since October the latest version 9 has been in production with serious improvements . 

– The small rotation wheels have been changed to much better ones with 2 abec precision bearing in each. Now they are faster, they produce less and are extremely durable. The design of the frame they are attached to has also been changed in order to protect them from external influences. 

– The new unique design of the treadmill and specifically the way the dog is attached is very functional and easy to use now. There are many more options for adjustments

– We changed the way we cast the leading aluminum wheels, which gave us the opportunity to install two-row high-precision bearings for extra durability and speed .

– Running belts are optimized in terms of durability

Firepaw is now more popular than ever and trusted by celebrities, the best dog trainers, prestigious institutions, etc .. Roughly a hundred custom treadmills are sent each month all around the globe. In 2020 we will start to build a new modern production base at 1000 square metres. 

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1 Comment

  1. Author
    Firepaw August 17, 2023 Reply

    Hello Erik,

    I believe we send you a wooden belt?

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